Questions. Ideas. Adventures

Archive for August, 2011

This Chapter

Maybe you remember my blog about “Between Chapters”?

For a long time I’ve felt torn between the people and places I’m leaving behind and the things I’m going into. I’ve never really appreciated the chapter I’m in.

That’s my advice to you, enjoy where you are and don’t worry about what’s going to happen…God will take care of that 🙂

Peru Anyone?

So, I’m going to Peru for my gap year, 1 months training, 6 months abroad and 2 months touring the UK, going to school and churches etc. My training starts in a few weeks, and I just thought I’d let you know what’s going through my mind in the run up.

It’s scary cause it’s such a long time away from home, but I know that it’ll be incredibly amazing. I’ll see God do some insane things, lives will be changed…including myown. Everyone tells me that the experience will change me, which isn’t exactly comforting…who will I become?! What if the whole thing turns out to be too difficult for me? And, I’m really looking forward to doing this, I think my team will be a great, but I’m the only guy… Yet, I know this is where God wants me, He’s brought my team together, He’s already provided for me in some awesome ways and I believe He will continue to look after me.

God want us to get involved with the stuff He’s doing. It’s not always going to be easy and fun, the Devil always tries and interferes with Gods work…but he never succeeds! “God is greater than the one who is in the world” and He never lets us get pushed beyond our limits. He’s faithful and will never abandon us, even in the toughest of situations.

Just thought I’d share this with you 🙂:)

“If You’re Happy And You Know It…”

The next day, God stopped sending the Israelites manna to eat each morning, and they started eating food grown in the land of Canaan. They ate roasted grain and thin bread made of the barley they had gathered from nearby fields.

Joshua 5:11-12

The Israelites had just crossed the river Jordan into to Canaan (the land that God had promised them) and He provided for the them the entire time they where out in the desert, by sending manna from sky for them to eat. Now the Israelites were in the Promised Land and they could eat the food that grew there.

God can provide for you too; when you’re in the wilderness.

None of the Israelites that left Egypt, made it into the Promised Land, because they disobeyed God; it was their off-spring that made it in. So those eating the roasted grain and thin bread would never have tasted it before. Imagine how it must have felt for them to eat something other than manna! God will have loved that moment. God is pleased when we find joy in His creation… and our joy makes Him happy!

Two Beautiful Things

The first is the simplicity of water and sand coming together and making a massive tourist attraction all over the world! As God created beaches, I like to think He revelled in the joy that people would get from them 😀

The second is the way that our lives inter-twine with others; like thousands of threads binding together to make a rope. We’re all on separate journeys, but our paths often cross and we get to travel some of the way with others. The idea that complete strangers can become friends amazes me! There have been people at various points in my life that I’ve seen on a regular basis but never actually spoken too…and then, some years later,we meet up again in different circumstances and become friends. I think it shows that our lives don’t just happen; we all have a purpose and our lives are going somewhere!

Just some random thoughts 🙂