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Posts tagged “Israelites

He Doesn’t Do Things By Half

In 1 Kings 3:9 Solomon refers to Israel as God’s ‘great nation’ (Contemporary English Version).

God made a ‘great nation’ out of Israel. He doesn’t do things by half. He gives us His all, His best.

However, He gives, but He also takes away. Israel were fickle and often rejected God, resulting in this ‘great nation’ being invaded and exiled. The city of Jerusalem, the capital, David’s City, was completely destroyed. God doesn’t do things by half.

Yet, God also restores. The Jews returned to Israel. The walls of Jerusalem were rebuilt, because the Israelites trusted God again. God promises that, no matter how far away we go, we can always go back to Him. He waits for us, and when He hears us cry out, He runs down the road to meet us, even though we’re still a long way off.

God made a universe and saw that it was ‘very good’. He doesn’t do things by half. We, as the human race, rejected God, and so we were exiled from His presence. Yet, Jesus came. He loved us too much to let us go. The sacrifice of Jesus on the cross meant that we could enter into a life with God once more. God restored us by giving us the thing He loves the most, His Son. God doesn’t do things by half.

Today, when God chooses to heal, He heals FULLY. When God forgives us, we are COMPLETELY forgiven. When He restores us, we are made COMPLETELY new. We have His FULL attention.

He doesn’t do things by half.

“If You’re Happy And You Know It…”

The next day, God stopped sending the Israelites manna to eat each morning, and they started eating food grown in the land of Canaan. They ate roasted grain and thin bread made of the barley they had gathered from nearby fields.

Joshua 5:11-12

The Israelites had just crossed the river Jordan into to Canaan (the land that God had promised them) and He provided for the them the entire time they where out in the desert, by sending manna from sky for them to eat. Now the Israelites were in the Promised Land and they could eat the food that grew there.

God can provide for you too; when you’re in the wilderness.

None of the Israelites that left Egypt, made it into the Promised Land, because they disobeyed God; it was their off-spring that made it in. So those eating the roasted grain and thin bread would never have tasted it before. Imagine how it must have felt for them to eat something other than manna! God will have loved that moment. God is pleased when we find joy in His creation… and our joy makes Him happy!