Questions. Ideas. Adventures

Posts tagged “Walking

A Walk With Jesus

Just got back from a walk with Jesus, literally, and I’ve just got tell someone how awesome it was. So lucky you, you’re that someone! šŸ˜€

I was walking in the wooded grounds of the IMCĀ training centre, where I’m preparing to go to Peru, and I was completely alone. The idea came to me (I think God placed it there): I should spend this time with God; as any time alone isĀ  rare in this place. So I said out loud, to Jesus, “walk with me” (I think Jesus inspired that too). I instantly felt another presence, but not in a scary way, a calming, reassuring way, although, physically, no one was there.

Have people ever asked you “if you could have dinner with anyone from history, who would it be and what would you say to them?”, it was one of those moments, only, I didn’t feel the need to say anything, I was comfortable simply walking with Him, which is never how I imaginedĀ a walk with Jesus would feel like. We did talk a bit, I asked some questions, some He answered, some He didn’t.Ā  I told Him how thankful I was for how He accepts meĀ just as I am; I got a glimpse of how Jesus sees me and the love of it brought tears to my eyes. Not sad tears or tears of laughter,Ā more likeĀ “wow” tears. But for the most part, we just enjoyed each others presence. Jesus enjoying my presence?! How crazy is that?!

He promised He’d never leave me, that I won’t always have moments like the one I was currently having with Him, but He wouldĀ ALWAYS be there.

He’s there for you too.