Questions. Ideas. Adventures

Posts tagged “Love

Going The Extra Mile

Last night, I was out with some friends, and as we all live in various parts of Oxfordshire, we agreed to meet in Oxford. It was about 11 o’clock in the evening when we decided to head back, and my friend offered to drive us all home, as buses would have stopped running. This meant that she had to go 15 miles in the opposite direction from her house to take me home, and she had to drop others off too, this, plus the fact that we got lost, meant that she didn’t get home till about 2 o’clock in the morning, on top of using a tone of fuel! Talk about going the extra mile!

I really appreciated my friends generosity, and it got me thinking, about how we take the friends and family we see everyday, for granted. I love my friends and family dearly, but how often do I show it, or tell them? I think most of my friends and family do know that I love them, and I know that they love me; but I also know that it would mean a lot more if the told me, or demonstrated, once in a while, how they felt. So, with Gods help, I’m going to try to let my friends and family know that I love, value and appreciate them; even if they know it already; I want to leave them in no doubt.

Jesus hung out with all the “low lives” of society, why? Because they were the people who needed him: “It’s the sick who need a doctor”.  Jesus looked beyond what they had done, to the person inside of them; a child of God! Jesus was all about the people, He didn’t care about what people thought of Him; He just wanted the people who felt lonely, hurt and broken that they are loved!

He’s still in that business today, and He invites us to work alongside Him.

To loves others, for His glory. That’s the challenge I’ve set myself and the one I’m putting to you.

Check this song out:

P.S) My friend who drove us all home, isn’t a Christian; and there are Christians, who wouldn’t do what she did!

“He Is Jealous For Me”

He is jealous for me? How can someone be jealous for someone?

God confesses He’s a jealous God…and yet, one of the Ten Commandments is to “not covert” aka don’t be jealous. Sounds a bit an hypocritical me thinks! I’ve heard people talk about Gods jealousy being righteous; how does that work? What is righteous jealousy? Why is it OK for God to be jealous and not us?

At its core, jealousy is selfishness and greed, wanting what other people have for yourself; whether it’s a physical possession or a person (not that people can actually own each other, but you know what I mean! :P). Anyway, selfishness is at the root of all evil…so why can God be jealous if He is perfect?

You know when the boy or girl you like is dating someone else, who you think is not right for them at all; that you’d be a thousand times better for him/her? Are you being jealous of the person they’re dating or are you jealous for the person you like? When jealous of someone, you want what they have for your own gain, it’s selfish, like I’ve said. Being jealous for someone on the other hand is when you want to someone to be with you because it benefits them, not purely and simply just you. For instance, God wanting us to be with Him. He is what’s best for us, no doubt! We may think we ‘re better for that special someone, but are we, really? Can we know what is best for people? Perhaps, maybe, sometimes. Is it as simple as “he does drugs and I don’t”? Does this mean that we can never be jealous for people? I don’t know; but of this, I’m sure: God loved us enough to give us choice; He loved us enough to let us go; He loved us enough to pave a way back to Him if we choose it. He doesn’t need us, He hasn’t done any of this for His own gain, He’s done it for us. He is what’s best for us, He knows that, so He can be jealous for us!

Hope this makes sence? 🙂

Take the Time…

“…All men are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field. The grass withers and the flowers fail…” Isaiah 40:6-8.

We are all loved, whether we know it or not. We are surrounded by people who loves us, even cherish us…yet this fact can often be taken for granted.

Time is a precious gift, we have the ability to give it (“I’ll give you 5 minutes”) and the power to take it away (“your time’s up!”), and how we spend it is vitally important. We can go through life looking out for ourselves, seeking our own enjoyment, wishing for people to love us…or we can be the ones who do the loving. Because when we love, we become kind, gentle, selfless, patient, good, faithful, peaceful, joyful and self-controlled. Obviously, it is good to be loved, and we should let ourselves be loved, but we should seek to give, just as much, if not more, than we get.

I’d also recommend you take the time you’ve got to be with those you love and who love you. Don’t take them for granted. Create memories, find out more about each other (there’s always more to learn, share experiences…you never know when your time will end, or theirs.

I discovered this, having just spent three days camping with some of my friends from college, and none of us knew each other all that well. We were split into groups and walked about 20.5 km in these groups, through woods, fields and sheep. This gave us plenty of time to chat and see each other outside of our usual setting. I certainly felt closer to the people in my group, and I could see that other groups had grown closer too. One guy, who only joined earlier this year and had to settle into a group that had been together for nearly 18 months, was starting to come out of his shell a little bit, and it was great to see 😀

Let’s Get Excited!!

How do you break the christian stereotype, without going against God?

God, the Bible, Jesus, christianity, all these things aren’t outdated. The Bible’s as relevant today as it’s always been, the Holy Spirit is still reaching into people’s lives and christians are still reflecting Gods radiance into the darkness (like the moon to the sun).

The reasons these things can seem dusty and dull is that, for too long, it’s been about religion. About following rules, fearing a vengeful god, who is watching with lightning bolts in hand, waiting for us to slip-up, a god who wants us to serve him, instead of working alongside him.

It’s time this changed! It’s time we realise it’s about love, it’s always been about love! “For God so LOVED the world…”, Jesus’ sacrifice is the ultimate reminder of this, a reminder that is fixed in history, and can not be changed or denied!

When we live as Christ did, passionate about Gods love for us, then people will see how amazing Jesus is and not help but be curious.

Let’s get excited!!

Listen to this song. I think the line “This is the real thing, love changes everything” is awesome!

Optimisim In A Fallen World

I was walking into town the other day and I passed some kids playing out in the street. At one point, one of the kids (must have been about 4 years old) rode his bike round the corner and was out of sight of his parents, who were chatting in the door way. I didn’t see what happened, but the boy started crying…loudly! The parents then sprang into action, sprinting down the street and round the corner to their son. Neither of the parents was the athletic type, but that didn’t stop them from running to their child who was hurt.

This got me thinking (dangerous, I know ;-P), even with all the pain, suffering, injustice and all the nasty things in this world, there is still good reason to be optimistic. So these words came to my head: 

“In the beginning the Earth was dark and void. Some think much hasn’t changed. They only see the half-empty glass.

Well my glass is half-full! I see a mothers love, the beauty of a purposefully built world, the forgiveness of a sinner.

There is light in the world and the darkness has not overcome it! A masterpiece can often look ugly before it becomes the beauty it was intentionally made for.”