Questions. Ideas. Adventures

Posts tagged “The

The Art of Nothing

Here’s a poem I wrote about something that’s become very apparent to me recently.


The Art of Nothing

Sometimes, no words need to be said. There are times when no thoughts need to be thought. The art of nothing is a beautiful thing.

There are days that are needed. Days when all you do is sit around and rest. We all need to take moments where we lay down our guns. The art of nothing is a beautiful thing.

We don’t always have to be on the go, juggling so many balls we loose count. We can sit in the silence of our own company or share the stillness with others. Words aren’t necessary, they aren’t the food of friendship, but time is.

Time, a precious thing, so easily shattered, interrupted, constantly moving; so fast it can feel like it’s flying. And yet, time can stand still, most often, I reckon, when we ourselves are still, enjoying the art of nothing.

Rob Foster

Llamas, Graveyards and Church

So, let me fill you in on what’s been happening these past couple of weeks.

First-off, we went with our new church to the Sacred Valley, one of the most beautiful places on the planet, in my opinion. It was their first weekend away as a church and each morning we woke up to lush green mountains rising up on either side of us. Our main priority was to look after the kids whilst the adults attended sessions to help them in thier relationships with Jesus. We also had some free time, most which was spent playing volleyball, and these games turned out to be a good way of practicing the Spanish I’ve been learning. It was also incredibly hot!

After Halloween, there is a thing called the Day of the Dead. This is when people believe that they can talk to their dead loved ones. So, on the second of November, graveyards around Cusco are filled to bursting with friends and relatives bring food and drink for their deceased. We went along to one graveyard, where bodies are placed in walls instead of the ground, to wittness this part of Peruvian culture.

Also, the church has finally moved into a new building, which suits it’s needs a lot better than the old one. For the past few days, we’ve been publicing the church to the local residents, making ourselves known and trying to get to know the people that live near-by. We’re hoping God will use the church to bring the communtiy together.

Lastly, we’ve come to the end of out orientation, and soon, we’ll be getting involved in leading some of the projects that we’ve, so far, only observed.

Going The Extra Mile

Last night, I was out with some friends, and as we all live in various parts of Oxfordshire, we agreed to meet in Oxford. It was about 11 o’clock in the evening when we decided to head back, and my friend offered to drive us all home, as buses would have stopped running. This meant that she had to go 15 miles in the opposite direction from her house to take me home, and she had to drop others off too, this, plus the fact that we got lost, meant that she didn’t get home till about 2 o’clock in the morning, on top of using a tone of fuel! Talk about going the extra mile!

I really appreciated my friends generosity, and it got me thinking, about how we take the friends and family we see everyday, for granted. I love my friends and family dearly, but how often do I show it, or tell them? I think most of my friends and family do know that I love them, and I know that they love me; but I also know that it would mean a lot more if the told me, or demonstrated, once in a while, how they felt. So, with Gods help, I’m going to try to let my friends and family know that I love, value and appreciate them; even if they know it already; I want to leave them in no doubt.

Jesus hung out with all the “low lives” of society, why? Because they were the people who needed him: “It’s the sick who need a doctor”.  Jesus looked beyond what they had done, to the person inside of them; a child of God! Jesus was all about the people, He didn’t care about what people thought of Him; He just wanted the people who felt lonely, hurt and broken that they are loved!

He’s still in that business today, and He invites us to work alongside Him.

To loves others, for His glory. That’s the challenge I’ve set myself and the one I’m putting to you.

Check this song out:

P.S) My friend who drove us all home, isn’t a Christian; and there are Christians, who wouldn’t do what she did!